Tuesday 3 November 2015


We have been exploring fractions this week - helping the children to understand fractions as parts of wholes.

The fraction wall helps with this

The children should realise that each part must be equal, and the bigger the 'number at the bottom', the smaller the part is.
You can ask questions like... 'which is bigger, 1/2 or 2/6?' etc. They can use the wall to help.

These are great games the children really like:

We have also been finding fractions of given amounts too. The children will need counters or cubes or coins, something they can split up.

Can you find:
1/2 of  16   (they should know this by heart)
1/3 of 15
1/4 of 20   etc.
Try 2/3 3/4 etc. when confident 

Try this...  Would you rather?

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