Tuesday 3 November 2015

Finding the difference

We have been using blank number lines to practise subtracting. 
It is important to use the term 'finding the difference' also, to help the children to become familiar with it.

Give the chdn a subtraction sum i.e. 63 - 54 =            (one that doesn't involve crossing a ten to begin                                                                                       with)

Ask them to draw a blank number line. They should position the smallest number on the left (as this is the number we are taking away), and the largest on the right.

They can then draw a hop/jump to the next 10, and record this on the line. Then a remaining hop/jump to the end number. Adding these hops/jumps together, will find the difference.

You can then progress to crossing tens, when confident:

41 - 22 =

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