Tuesday 21 June 2016


We've been finding tenths of various amounts this week:

E.g. 3/10 of 40
6/10 of 20 

The children should know this is exactly the same as dividing...
1/10 of 30 is the same as 30 \ 10

When working out 3/10 of 40, the children must work out 1/10 first. Then multiply by the top number.
1/10 of 40 = 4
4 X 3 = 12
So 3/10 of 40 = 12

Thursday 5 May 2016


This is the first method we use to teach division.

It is basically division using a number line

We have also worked through examples that have remainders.

The children will most likely need support with these should you want to practice at home.

 62 ÷ 5 =  _____            ____ x 5 = 62      


Wednesday 23 March 2016


When multiplying a single digit number with a two digit number we have taught the children to use the 'grid method'.

Like this,

(Partitioning the two digit number)

Try a few at home!
2 x 35
3 x 23
3 x 42

Friday 26 February 2016

Telling the time

We're back to time again.

This week we've only focused on reading time to the nearest minute PAST, in analogue and digital form.

On Monday we will introduce minutes TO

The children need to be able to read both analogue and digital times AND write them down

Please do ask them to read the time as often as possible. Other great games to practice are:


New challenges have been set!

Column addition
Telling the time
3 and 4 times tables

Column addition

The children have really been getting the hang of using column addition to add 3 digit and 2 digit numbers together.

We teach them to set it out this way...

It is important to leave a line above the answer box so they can write any number they have carried over. If they have already learnt to carry and write underneath, then it's fine to stick with that method.

Friday 29 January 2016

Doodle Maths

Just thought I'd share this great app with you. It's fun and simple to use, and a good one for basic number skills and times tables!
